New Books

New to our collection in 2023
Each month, we offer a 20% discount on a limited number of books, so good advantage can be taken of these sales with your visits to the library.
Anthroposophy and Science. (Rudolf Steiner, 8 lectures, Stuttgart, March 16–23, 1921, [CW 324], Mercury Press, 1994). Steiner examines underlying precepts of the modern scientific approach and its current tools of observation of nature, experimentation, and use of mathematics to establish quantitative relationships.
Anthroposophy in Everyday Life. (Rudolf Steiner, 4 lectures, various locations, 1909-1912, Steiner Books, 1995). Four of the best-loved and most accessible presentations of the anthroposophic approach to life are collected here. With its many practical exercises, mantras, and meditations, this book is a fundamental introduction for inner development.
Anthroposophy: A Concise Introduction to Rudolf Steiner’s Spiritual Philosophy. (Henk van Oort, Temple Lodge Publishing, 2008). van Oort presents an overview of key aspects of Steiner's thought. He deals with concepts such as body, soul, and spirit; the relationship between humankind and the animal kingdom; and the evolution of consciousness.
The Arts and Their Mission. (Rudolf Steiner, 8 lectures, Oslo and Dornach, May 18 – June 9, 1923, [CW 276], Steiner Books, 2023). In these inspired lectures, Steiner weaves the different art forms—including painting, architecture, and music—into a grand tapestry of human experience and expression. In the process, he reveals how each artistic medium contains its own mysteries.
Becoming Fully Human: The Significance of Anthroposophy in Contemporary Spiritual Life. (Rudolf Steiner, 6 lectures at The Hague, April 7–12, 1922; a written report by Rudolf Steiner on the course, [CW 82], Steiner Books, 2022). What is thinking? This is Steiner’s starting point in all his work. These lectures are among his most inspired exploration of Anthroposophy as a true science of the spirit.
The Circle of Mystery Streams: Karmic Groups in the Anthroposophical Society and Movement. (Malte Diekmann, Wynstones Press, 2023). Diekmann presents the various karmic groups in the Anthroposophical movement, as laid out in Steiner’s lectures and written works. We gain a full picture of the groups that are capable of forming a spiritual home for everyone connected with Anthroposophy.
The Dog Walk. (Sven Nordqvist, Steiner Books, 2021). It's time for Grandma's dog to go for a walk. The eager pooch tugs the boy's hand, excited to get going. But where will they end up? This is a dog walk like no other, told simply through whimsical illustrations with incredible details. [Recommended for ages 3-7]
Edith Maryon: Rudolf Steiner and the Sculpture of Christ in Dornach. (Peter Selg, Temple Lodge Publishing, 2023). Edith Maryon (1872–1924) was a trained sculptor who worked alongside Rudolf Steiner to create the unique sculpture of Christ (“The Representative of Humanity”) at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. One of Steiner’s closest collaborators, she was a highly valued colleague and esoteric pupil.
Encountering Rudolf Steiner: Introductions to Essential Works. (Christopher Bamford, Steiner Books, 2022). Rudolf Steiner’s writings and lectures comprise a collection of more than 350 volumes. Christopher Bamford here presents 15 introductions to some of Steiner’s most essential books and lectures.
Encounters with Vidar - Communications from the Outer Etheric Realm: From Clairvoyance to Clairaudience. (Are Thoresen, Temple Lodge Publishing, 2023). At the threshold that divides the elemental and etheric worlds, Thoresen encounters Vidar and Baldur, two spiritual entities whose task is to protect the spiritual border from uninitiated intruders. He learns that, whereas clairvoyance is like reading the holy script, clairaudience is akin to hearing the holy script.
Founding A Science of the Spirit. (Rudolf Steiner, 14 lectures, Stuttgart, August 22 to September 4, 1906, [CW 95], Rudolf Steiner Press, 1999). This book offers a fine introduction to the whole of Steiner's teaching. He speaks of the fundamental nature of the human being in relation to the cosmos, the evolution of the Earth, the journey of the soul after death, reincarnation and karma, good and evil, the modern path of meditative training, as well as answers to individual questions.
Four Modern Mystery Dramas. (Rudolf Steiner, Written 1910 to 1913, [CW 14], Rudolf Steiner Press, 2023). Steiner’s four modern mystery dramas are powerful portrayals of the complex laws of reincarnation and karma, transporting us to landscapes of soul and spirit where suprasensory beings are visible, active, and influential. Through perception of those hidden worlds, we are given tools to comprehend the background of the struggles we face in everyday life—both in human relationships and in our attempts to practice spiritual development.
From Sunspots to Strawberries. (Rudolf Steiner, 14 lectures, Dornach, June 30 - September 24, 1924, [CW 354], Rudolf Steiner Press, 2002). The discussions in this volume took place between Rudolf Steiner and workers at the first Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. At Steiner's instigation, the varied subjects were chosen by his audience. The astonishing nature of these responses is testimony to Steiner's outstanding ability as a spiritual initiate and profound thinker.
Hearts and Minds: Reclaiming the Soul of Science and Medicine. (Walter Alexander, Lindisfarne Books, 2019). This book tells a tale of emerging discoveries that restore our own self and consciousness as integral to workings of the world.
Introducing Anthroposophical Medicine. (Rudolf Steiner, 20 lectures in Dornach, Switzerland, March 21– April 9, 1920, [CW 312], Steiner Books, 2010). In these lectures given to medical doctors and students, Steiner presents a new approach to the art of healing, based on the insights of spiritual science.
Ita Wegman and the Clinical-Therapeutic Institute: A Photographic Documentation. (Mirela Faldey and Peter Selg, Steiner Books, 2023). This book offers a pictorial introduction to the life and work of Ita Wegman MD, who founded and directed the world’s first anthroposophical medical clinic in Arlesheim, Switzerland. The photographic documentation was compiled to mark the centenary of the clinic, which began its work in June of 1921.
Letters on John’s Gospel. (Friedrich Rittelmeyer, Temple Lodge Publishing, 2023). Revitalized Johannine Christianity stands at the heart of the work of Christian renewal as inspired by Rudolf Steiner during the early twentieth century. Friedrich Rittelmeyer, a Lutheran minister who helped found The Christian Community in 1922, was a leading figure in this new movement. Although the letters were written with students and local congregations in mind, they provide manifold insights for anyone seeking a glimpse of the majesty of John’s Gospel.
Medicine in the Stranglehold of Profit: The Threat to the Art of Healing and the Social Fabric, and the New Orientation Needed for Truly Looking After Health. (Thomas Hardtmuth MD, Wynstones Press, 2023). The author chronicles the takeover of the medical field by private companies in recent decades, bringing a profit motive into healthcare. He further describes how separation in society of economics, politics, and culture (which includes healthcare and education) urgently needs to be established, and how a number of initiatives have recently been started that point in this direction.
The Michael Letters of Rudolf Steiner: The Mission of Archangel Michael. (Charles Kovacs, Floris Books, 2021). During the final months of his life, Rudolf Steiner published a series of weekly letters addressed to the members of the Anthroposophical Society. Among them were 14 letters in which he described the mission of the Archangel Michael, who has accompanied humanity's evolution from primordial times up to the present day. The Archangel Michael is the great champion of human freedom. He can help us transcend divisive ideas of national identity to embrace a universal view of the world.
Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology. (Steven Johnson, Nasha Winters, Adam Blanning, Marion Debus, Paul Faust, Mark Hancock and Peter Hinderberger, Portal Books, 2021). Mistletoe therapy has long been considered a viable treatment for cancer by the European medical community. While this book should not be considered a treatment or diagnostic manual, it is intended to make the information available in an accessible form to anyone interested in learning about this approach to treating cancer.
The Mystery of Death: The Nature and Significance of Central Europe and the European Folk-Spirits. (Rudolf Steiner, 15 lectures, various cities, January 31 – June 19, 1915, [CW 159], Rudolf Steiner Press, 2023). Steiner addresses the difficult question of why some people die prematurely, especially in youth. He strikes a second chord with his description of the task of Central Europe in the context of the various “folk souls.” The third main theme has to do with understanding the active impulses and connections in history.
Nature and Spirit Beings: Their Activity in Our Visible World. (Rudolf Steiner, 18 lectures in various cities, November 5, 1907 – June 14, 1908, [CW 98], Rudolf Steiner Press, 2022). The lectures are divided into two broad thematic groups. The first relates to the inner path of knowledge and its relationship to the yearly festivals. The second focuses on work of elemental beings in our everyday world.
The Occult Truths of Myths and Legends - Greek and Germanic Mythology: Richard Wagner in the Light of Spiritual Science. (Rudolf Steiner, 6 lectures, Berlin, Cologne, Nuremberg, June 24, 1904 – December 2, 1907, [CW 92], Rudolf Steiner Press, 2023). Steiner describes how myths and legends portray humanity’s most ancient evolutionary and spiritual history. Folklore presents ancient mystical wisdom in the form of stories clothed in pictures by initiates that enable individuals to understand their content in a more intellectual form in the future.
Past and Future Impulses in Societal Events. (Rudolf Steiner, 12 lectures to members, Dornach, March 21 – April 14, 1919, [CW 190], Rudolf Steiner Press, 2023). These lectures cover numerous themes, including overcoming class distinctions; administration of money, technology and capitalism; antisocial tendencies of nationalism; and future management of international relations. Steiner offered them a few months after WWI as a call for hope and renewal.
Recognizing Reality: Youth Education in a Time of Global Crisis. (Peter Selg, Steiner Books, 2022). This book is a clarion call for broader perspectives in a time of global crisis, for a differentiated understanding of current events, and for a deepening of dialogue. It leaves us with the question: Will we say yes to the dehumanizing, technocratic vision of society emerging across the globe, or will we seek a future worthy of the human being?
Results of Spiritual Research. (Rudolf Steiner, 14 public lectures, Berlin, October 31, 1912 – April 10, 1913, [CW 62], Rudolf Steiner Press, 2022). Steiner builds systematically on the fundamentals of spiritual science—from the nature of spiritual knowledge and its relationship to conventional science to the path of personal development and the task of metaphysical research, as well as specific questions on the mystery of death, the meaning of fairytales, the significance of morality, and the roles of individual figures in human evolution.
Speaking to the Stars: An Introduction to Astrosophy. (Jonathan Hilton, Lindisfarne Books, 2023). Hilton presents a thorough introduction to star wisdom as inaugurated by Rudolf Steiner and the pioneer of astrosophy, Willi Sucher, whose work and methods Hilton has studied for years. It is an essential guide for anyone who wants to study this discipline and a spiritual path through the stars.
Therapeutic Eurythmy for Children: From Early Childhood to Adolescence with Practical Exercises. (Anne-Maidlin Vogel and Michaela Glockler MD, Steiner Books, 2007). This book is a rich source of information for professional eurythmy therapists, physicians, and teachers of children. It provides not only examples for exercises, but also offers useful references for personal development and additional training for therapists, and encourages parents toward a more effective, holistic aid to their children’s overall health and development.
Therapeutic Eurythmy for the Eyes. (Daniela Armstrong with Ilse Knauer MD, Mercury Press, 2020). Can therapeutic eurythmy correct faulty vision? Heal eye diseases? Alleviate computer strain? Eye specialists who have seen its results have been truly astonished! This book is an authoritative reference guide to therapeutic eurythmy for all who are interested in new roads to health.
Three Paths to Christ: Experiencing the Supersensible. (Rudolf Steiner, 14 lectures, various cities, January 11 – December 29, 1912, [CW 143], Rudolf Steiner Press, 2023). Replete with fresh immediacy, rich spiritual content, innovation, and occasional humor, these talks were given when Rudolf Steiner was preparing for independence from the Theosophical Society.
The Three Wise Men and the Birth of Jesus. (Rudolf Steiner, Rudolf Steiner Press, 2017). This book offers solutions to the riddles surrounding Jesus’s birth and the seemingly conflicting accounts within Christian scripture. From the mystery of the birth, we are led to a study of the three wise men, and also suggestions as to their possible future roles in the drama of human development.
Turning Lead into Gold: The Transformative Alchemy of Waldorf Teaching. (Jack Petrash, Bell Pond Books, 2022). Teachers and their styles are as various and unique as the polyphonic symphony of human life. Petrash’s book provides insight for teachers, parents, and caregivers, whether brand new or well-seasoned by their own experience.
Understanding Society through Spiritual-Scientific Knowledge: Social Threefolding, Christ, Lucifer, and Ahriman. (Rudolf Steiner, 15 lectures, Dornach, October 3 – November 13, 1919, [CW 191], Rudolf Steiner Press, 2017). Steiner speaks about the superficiality of a materialistic view of history. True social understanding allows our comprehension of karma and appreciation of each individual's personal destiny. We should work toward global consciousness, as true social ideas are based on people's feeling that they are citizens of the world. In an important corollary, Steiner investigates the incarnations of three significant spiritual beings in human evolution—Lucifer, Christ, and Ahriman.
The Value of Thinking for a Cognition that Satisfies the Human Being: The Relationship between Spiritual Science and Natural Science. (Rudolf Steiner, 11 lectures, Dornach, August 20 and September 17 – October 9, 1915, [CW 164], Rudolf Steiner Press, 2023). Steiner discusses the quality of thinking itself and clarifies how visionary clairvoyance can relate to individual intelligence. He speaks about the relationship between spiritual science and natural science, and also deliberates on episodic observations of space, time, and movement.
What Is Anthroposophy? Three Spiritual Perspectives on Self-Knowledge. (Rudolf Steiner, 3 selected lectures, Steiner Books, 2002). These lectures are a masterly introduction to what Rudolf Steiner means by “Anthroposophy.” They explain why he describes this path—which means literally “the wisdom of the human being”—as one that “unites what is spiritual in the human being with what is spiritual in the universe.”
Wonders of Development in Plants, People, and Projects. (Jan Diek van Mansvelt, Adonis Books, 2022). The hectic pace of our lives is increasingly determined by the unconscious forces driving our thinking and by the relentless speed of the machines and automated intelligence that this thinking has produced. We are so caught up by the pressure this imposes upon us that we have lost any awareness of the regenerative, rhythmical activity that sustains us. For the sake of our health, sanity, and of our own productivity we can slow down and turn our full attention to the creative life of nature.