Upcoming Events

We invite you to join us for our upcoming lectures, artistic workshops, classes, and performances.
For More Information on individual events, please contact programs@anthroposophyla.org.


Upcoming Events

March 8
- Chekhov Technique Workshop - Tobias Jelinek
March 23 - Annual General Meeting - Los Angeles Branch
March 30 - Speaking From the Stars - Christine Burke & Maria Morales

April 11 - Drama Performance - Laurie Portocarrero
April 12-13 - Mystery Drama Workshops - Laurie Portocarrero
April 19 - Checkhov Technique Workshop - Tobias Jelinek
April 19 - Easter Celebration - Linda Connell
April 26 - The Human Being as a Musical Being - Margaret Shipman
May 3 - Transforming Challenges in Our Own Life Stories - Douglas Garrett
May 10 - Checkhov Technique Workshop - Tobias Jelinek
May 10 - The Mission of Michael and the Archangel Michael - Rev. Sanford Miller
May 16-18 - Emergency Pedagogy Foundation Certificate
May 29 - Ascension Celebration - Linda Connell
June 8 - Whitsun Celebration - Linda Connell
July 25-28 - Emergency Pedagogy Modules 

Details TBA - Seeing Nature in a New WayHenrike Holredge

Deepen Your Creative Practice:
Checkhov Technique Workshop
with Tobias Jelinek

Saturdays, March 8, April 19, May 10
11:00 a.m - 2:00 p.m.

Building on the momentum of our February session, this next Chekhov Technique Acting Workshop will take you further into the power of imagination and creative transformation. Whether you attended last time or are joining anew, this immersive experience will strengthen your artistic instincts through movement and dynamic exercises rooted in the Michael Chekhov Acting Technique.
Led by Tobias Jelinek, founder of The Inspired Actor Training Lab, this workshop offers a space to explore, expand, and refine your creative expression.

Participation: Suggested donation $25
Donate Online Here

Space is limited—reserve your spot by emailing Tobias at tobiasjelinek@gmail.com

All Souls Performance
with Laurie Portocarrero
April 11

Laurie Portocarrero brings her magic to us for an evening of dramatic performance starring the “Uprising in the Dying.”

For the special season of All Souls, this journey weaves the threads of story, song, and poetry celebrating the undying love that reaches across the threshold of death, and includes stirring passages from Rudolf Steiner’s third play, “The Guardian of the Threshold”

Suggested donation: $25.00.
Whatever amount, donations are always welcome.

April 12-13
Rudolf Steiner’s Third Mystery Drama
Doorway to the Wisdom of the Human Being!
With Laurie Portocarrero

Join us in these uniquely experiential workshops exploring Rudolf Steiner’s The Guardian of the Threshold with Laurie

Ever since the tremendous joy and soul enlightening we felt in Laurie’s first two mystery drama workshops, we’ve been looking forward to exploring the mysteries of Rudolf Steiner's third play, The Guardian of the Threshold with her in another intensive and dynamic “hands-on” experience.

We find that working with the words and imaginations, the actions and life of the plays, gives us tremendous insight, inspiration, and strength for our own paths of inner development

Contributions for support are highly appreciated
and all are welcome regardless of donation size. You may donate online or in person. Guideline suggestion - $20 each workshop session or $75 for Sat/Sun all 4 sessions.

If in Shakespeare's characters we meet every shade of soul and personality, perhaps in Steiner's, we are experiencing "stages of spiritual development."

In the first two plays the struggles between human beings with the great adversaries Lucifer and Ahriman have much reflected our own struggles. Now in the third play, with much changed,  further development will take place only with strong help!

In Rudolf Steiner's mystery dramas, we are given imaginations that contain the entirety of Anthroposophy and serve as guides in meeting our own karmic knots. We see our own flaws and foibles in Johannes and Capesius and Strader, and learn from them. We welcome seeing how in this play they each are able to achieve new spiritual standing.

Since the beginning of western drama in ancient Greece, we have turned to drama to unveil for us the invisible behind the visible, the workings of the spiritual world through our own.

This workshop is the third in a series of four on Rudolf Steiner's mystery dramas hosted by our Branch for our community. We look forward to the fourth next summer!

Rudolf Steiner shares ~
Regarding his mystery dramas, we hear directly from him as he shares his thoughts:
"Our modern culture loves what is intellectual... But the world is constructed in such a way that it can't be expressed merely in concepts and ideas. - We have to evolve modes of depiction other than the merely intellectual.

And so it was that I felt the need to express something which is completely alive... The spiritual content of anthroposophy - of the Wisdom  of the Human Being - that wills to reveal itself, is much too rich to be contained within words and ideas alone; it strives for form, for the image, metamorphoses all on its own into art, into genuine art  from the primal sources of art and religion.

That's what gave rise to my four Mystery Dramas..

And if people really lived deeply with the imaginations offered in these dramas, I would not have to write the books, or give the lectures!"

The workshop will use the Barbara Renold beautifully edited 2014 translation, and the Rudolf Steiner Library will have several copies for purchase, or bring your own if you have one.

For more information please email ekrivosheia@dslextreme.com

About Laurie Portocarrero

Laurie Portocarrero attended the Washington Waldorf School in Washington DC, and fell in love with the experience of the dramatic arts permeated with meaning and spirit.

She went on to study Foundations of Anthroposophy, Waldorf teacher training and Goethean Studies; and later, to train in Spacial Dynamics, The Chekhov acting technique, Eurythmy, singing, speech formation, storytelling, and Non-Violent Communication. She has studied and taught in the US, Canada, Switzerland, and Australia. She is now an actor, storyteller, drama teacher and director, living in Philmont in Upstate New York.  A long-time associate member of The Actors’ Ensemble and Walking the dog Theater, Laurie has appeared in and directed many works from Shakespeare to Thornton Wilder to Ionesco. With long-time colleague Glen Williamson she also creates, performs and tours two-person plays such as the Refugees Tale, The Gospel of John, Aeschylus Unbound, and currently, Fire in the Temple. Within the 2010-2014 series of Mystery Drama conferences in Chestnut Ridge, New York, she played Maria in Rudolf Steiner’s four mystery dramas.

She led the course “The Art of the Actor” through Threefold Educational Center in Chestnut Ridge, for seven years. She directs the summer children’s camp “Drama for the Little Folk”, directs an annual community reading of The Christmas Carol, and created the Christmas Celebration of Song and Word, bringing together speaking and singing groups to share their gifts with the community. She directs plays with academy students in special needs communities; and has directed plays throughout China with adults, children and young people of all ages. Currently she also directs a speech chorus, leads a Mystery Drama study/exploration group, and helps to form Branch festivals in the Berkshire-Taconic community.

Ever inspired by and seeking to serve both the Muse of Art and Anthroposophia in the service of the community, her hope in all art-creating is to help facilitate harmonious encounter with each other out of the longing we all carry deep in our beings to develop the Social Art of the future: How do we meet one another? How may we do what Rudolf Steiner urged, and carry our warm hearts into the world to do powerful healing work

With great gratitude, we welcome Laurie whenever she can join us! 

Postponed until further notice
